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A function checking if your de_container contains everything you need


mosdef_de_container_check(de_container, verbose = FALSE)



An object containing the data for a Differential Expression workflow (e.g. DESeq2, edgeR or limma). Currently, this can be a DESeqDataSet object, normally obtained after running your data through the DESeq2 framework.


Logical, whether to add messages telling the user which steps were taken.


An invisible NULL after performing the checks


data(gse, package = "macrophage")

dds_macrophage <- DESeqDataSet(gse, design = ~ line + condition)
#> using counts and average transcript lengths from tximeta
#> Warning: Direct call of '' is deprecated.  Use '' or '' instead
#> Warning: Direct call of '' is deprecated.  Use '' or '' instead
#> Warning: Direct call of '' is deprecated.  Use '' or '' instead
#> Warning: Direct call of '' is deprecated.  Use '' or '' instead
#> Warning: Direct call of '' is deprecated.  Use '' or '' instead
#> Warning: Direct call of '' is deprecated.  Use '' or '' instead
#> Warning: Direct call of '' is deprecated.  Use '' or '' instead
#> Warning: Direct call of '' is deprecated.  Use '' or '' instead
#> Warning: Direct call of '' is deprecated.  Use '' or '' instead
#> Warning: Direct call of '' is deprecated.  Use '' or '' instead
#> Warning: Direct call of '' is deprecated.  Use '' or '' instead
#> Warning: Direct call of '' is deprecated.  Use '' or '' instead
#> Warning: Direct call of '' is deprecated.  Use '' or '' instead
#> Warning: Direct call of '' is deprecated.  Use '' or '' instead
#> Warning: Direct call of '' is deprecated.  Use '' or '' instead
rownames(dds_macrophage) <- substr(rownames(dds_macrophage), 1, 15)
keep <- rowSums(counts(dds_macrophage) >= 10) >= 6
dds_macrophage <- dds_macrophage[keep, ]
# dds_macrophage <- DESeq(dds_macrophage)
